Within this online directory is information on one of South Africa’s nine provinces, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). With its sub-tropical climate and good surfing coastline KZN is a popular region for holiday makers. The warm waters of the Indian Ocean roll onto pristine sandy beaches, the majestic Drakensberg mountain range inland, along with the temperate Midlands – all catering to every holiday desire imaginable.
When the homeland of KwaZulu, meaning "Place of the Zulu", was merged into the Natal province in 1994, the province was named KwaZulu-Natal. KZN is the only province in South Africa whereby its name reflects the dominant ethnic group. The province is home to the Zulu monarchy.
The province itself stretches from Port Edward in the south to the border of Mozambique in the north. Although the temperatures differ from area to area, as a whole KZN has the most tropical climate throughout SA, with the summers generally being very hot with exceptionally mild winters for the most part.
The Thukela River is the largest in KwaZulu-Natal and one of the most important in the county. Its source is in Mont-aux-Sources in the Drakensberg, plunging about 947m down in three remarkable waterfalls. Running right through the province and into the Indian Ocean, the Thukela River provides many water-sport activities along the way.
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